Battenfield Horsemanship

About Michael:
Trainer Michael Battenfield is a certified Natural Horsemanship trainer and is certified through England's Versatile Horsemanship Michael firmly believes that first impressions are everything and does his very best to ensure that every horse he starts gets just that. He also specializes in restarting problem horses, Biters, kickers, buckers, runaways, you name it. He uses techniques that speak the horses language, bridging the language barrier between horse and man. Michael also works with the horses owner teaching him or her the language of the horse ensuring a lasting partnership

Jody Gular
Thank you so much for the hours you spent working with my horse, Fancy. She traveled so calmly and quietly in the trailer, a soft look in her eye every time we stopped for a rest. She did not stomp or call out. Arrived at the new barn at 8 p.m., she backed out one foot at a time, waiting for me to ask her for each foot step. She calmly entered the new facility, not any attitude, all respect, all attuned to me. I am so pleased, Michael.
Deborah Hewitt (Owner of Luke)
OH MY GOODNESS! He certainly is not a miniature horse now is he? Mike/You have done a stellar job as my father used to say. It just blew me away. Sent it to Ed and he was equally as pleased, if not a little surprised, especially with the tires! Thank you seems trite right now.
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money ... or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.
Christina Gunn
"Michael is an amazing Christian mentor as well as awesome Natural Horse Trainer. He is one of the most knowledgeable trainers I've met with his heart in the right place. I would not hesitate to send my horses to him, but even more than that he has a great ability to help people learn how to work effectively with their own horses."